Linda Shu

IBM Growth

Product-Led Free Trial Experiences

Case study coming soon


4 SaaS Products


2023 - ongoing


Design Lead, Product-led Growth


PM, Marketing, Sales, Engineering, UX Research, Content Design


Transforming the go-to-market strategy

IBM Growth

Product-Led Free Trial Experiences

In my current role as Design Lead for IBM Sustainability Software, I designed multiple SaaS product free trials. I helped grow user acquisition by 150% YoY in less than 3 months and enabled two different IBM products to contract new $MM clients

Applying product-led growth methodologies, I partner with cross-functional product teams to transform their GTM strategies and offer prospecting users a seamless end-to-end trial experience.


4 SaaS Products


2023 - ongoing


Design Lead, Product-led Growth


PM, Marketing, Sales, Engineering, UX Research, Content Design

Client leads (<3 months)

+150% YoY

Customer acquisition

$MM Client

Trials launched

2 live; 2 in-progress


Transforming the go-to-market strategy

IBM's traditional go-to-market(GTM) strategy created too many obstacles for prospecting clients to understand and/or try IBM's digital products. This friction led to problems with client lead acquisition and product adoption.

To address this, IBM product teams set out to implement product-led growth strategies to transform their GTM. As design lead, I worked with four different SaaS product teams to release publicly available free trials and was responsible for overseeing the full end-to-end customer journey— spanning from initial discovery to off-boarding.


Streamlining users to key aha! moments

Our primary objective was to streamline prospecting users to experience product value (aha! moments) within a short onboarding period. Increasing generation of value aligned client leads with potential to convert to paid.

Partnering cross-functional roles, I lead the design strategy and defined pathways for prospecting users to reach pivotal aha! moments across our marketing and in-application channels.

To measure effectiveness,  it was crucial to instrument benchmark tracking. I worked with PM and Marketing to identify key areas in the trial journey that could provide insight metrics for future product improvements.


Post launch...

  • Online we experienced a significant surge in user acquisition and client leads generation, signalling heightened interest in our products.
  • At in-person meetings and workshops, the trials have been used by clients and business partners as live enablement tools— improving the quality of engagements.
  • Internally, the trials have improved efficiency as other teams can now self-serve to acquire product access.

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